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Search our Staff Directory

Looking for someone? This searchable directory of all of our staff makes it easy for you to connect. Search by keyword (example: music or counselor), first or last name, or simply use the "Departments" drop-down box to find everyone in a department. Happy searching!

1 2 3 9 > showing 1 - 9 of 78 constituents

Devona Ayers

Title: In-School Suspension Coordinator
Department: Teacher Assistant

Cameron Beard

Title: Math Teacher
Department: Math

Savannah Beeby

Title: Exceptional Children Teacher
Department: Exceptional Children

DeAnne Bowlin

Title: Social Studies Teacher
Department: Social Studies

Linda Bryden

Title: Family and Consumer Science Teacher
Department: Career and Technical Education

Autumn Canipe

Title: Exceptional Children Assistant
Department: Teacher Assistant

Erika Cassell

Title: Spanish Teacher
Department: World Language

Chase Childers

Title: Science Teacher
Department: Science

David Childers

Title: Career Exploration, Business and Technology
Department: Career and Technical Education